Custom Duct Transitions For AC Coil

Installing a new AC coil

There are times when installing a new AC coil to existing duct work can be simple and times when the task can be difficult. Usually you can get the proper cased AC coil for the furnace you are installing and either easily transition the duct to the existing duct line or you can have a custom plenum made fitting the coil to the furnace.  

Then there are times when you need to transition from your furnace to the size of the uncased AC coil and then back again to the custom size of your existing duct work. When this happens your first call should be to us, K & E Sheet Metal, because this is exactly why we exist. Custom plenums and transitions are our specialty :)

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Improving The Efficiency & Life of Your Forced Air Heating & Cooling System

Many homes in the United States with forced air heating and cooling have duct work that is old and in need of repair or replacement. Most of these homes have had new furnaces installed over the years, but not the duct work, which would improve the efficiency of new units and keep them running longer. Many houses have duct work that is either too small or too big, installed improperly or not to code and is eating into the efficiency of those new furnace and air conditioning systems.

Here are a few issues we have run into over the years when it comes to forced air heating and cooling systems. These are common installer mistakes or problems in regards to the duct work for heating and air conditioning systems in your home.

Heating and cooling runs off the end cap

When you go into your basement and look at the main trunk line of your duct system, are there heat runs coming off the end caps of your main trunk? If so, this is something that should be checked and more than likely changed.

When your trunk line is not properly capped off, you lose the necessary pressure to send the air flow throughout the rest of the home. If you have lower flows of air in certain rooms of your house, especially upstairs, this could be the reason for those issues. It is a common problem and can be changed by a duct professional who specializes in duct work and sizing your systems. Many times you don't need to replace the whole system because those few runs off the ends of the duct could be re-routed and the main duct capped off at a reduced cost.

Your forced air heat runs may be too small

Over the years the furnace has gone through many changes and so have the methods in which duct work has been installed. Most furnace installations require at least 6" round pipe runs off your main trunk and sometimes larger depending on the furnace unit and size of the home. However, some homes built in the1950's and 1960's were fitted with smaller systems and 4" or 5" heat runs. These runs coupled with today's furnace can present problems with efficiency and life of your new HVAC units.

Increasing those runs to a proper 6" run and checking to make sure your duct is sized properly can help to improve your furnace efficiency and life span. If you are in the process of getting a new heating unit you may want to get a quote for proper sizing and installation of new duct work.

Is the duct system undersized?

Going along with the above tip, some main duct systems are undersized from the start and should be completely replaced to help with efficiency of the furnace. These  systems were either not installed by a professional or the new unit was retrofitted to an already existing duct system that was rated for the previous furnace. The new furnace may either be too big or too small for the existing duct work and because of this, certain rooms in the house my be neglected of proper air flow. This means that you may notice a room is too cool in the winter or too warm in the summer or possibly multiple rooms end up having these same problems. It may be that your duct system needs to be re sized to the new heating or cooling unit you now have installed. Newer units are made to run very efficiently, but an undersized full ducting system can harm the life of your newly installed,  efficient and money saving furnace.


These are a few of the common problems we find when replacing furnaces  in older homes. We will often make note and offer a free quote to the customer for minor changes or complete replacement of their duct system.

Having a brand new efficient, cost cutting forced air heating and cooling unit installed is great for your new or existing home. Recognizing and making sure that your duct system is sized and installed properly can guarantee that your investment will run great for it's lifetime.

For a few examples of our installations click here


2011 Federal Tax Credits for HVAC Consumer Energy Efficiency

Many customers ask about tax credits and rebates that may be available on air conditioning units and furnaces. So I thought I would post the 2011 tax credits that are available from Energy Star for HVAC applications. A few include $300 for a new central air conditioning system, $150 for a new natural gas, propane or oil furnace and $150 for a new gas, propane or oil hot water boiler. Below are screenshots of the current tax credits available. Just click on any and it will take you to the Energy Star website for more details and how to apply.


If you live in the Glens Falls, NY area and are looking for a quote on a new gas furnace or central air conditioning system, go to to call or send us an email.

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Senate Bill Could Bring More HVAC Business to The Northeast

One thing that could help jump start the HVAC business here in the Northeast is a bill being introduced to the Senate by Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M to update the efficiency standards for many appliances and building systems, including furnaces, heat pumps, and central air conditioners.

Titled the “Implementation of National Consensus Appliance Agreements Act of 2011,” or INCAAA, the bill (S. 398) divides the nation into three regions with different efficiency standards for each. It also recommends more stringent building codes for new construction.

The INCAAA bill is based on the consensus standards agreement signed in October 2009 by major industry associations, including the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) and more than a dozen individual furnace and air conditioner manufacturers.

The last time standards were changed here in the Northeast there was a number of customers who had to upgrade their cooling systems to 13-seer systems. This was good for many companies in town because some of these smaller upgrade jobs are a major source of business for many smaller firms in this area. This time the changes focus more on the % efficiency of your furnace and will mean that customers may need to change out their current furnace. This should provide a much needed uptick in smaller jobs for many micro and small HVAC contractors in the Northeast.

The INCAAA bill divides the United States into three regions: North, South, and Southwest. Specifically, the North region comprises states with population-weighted heating degree days (HDD) equal to or greater than 5,000; the South comprises states with population-weighted HDD less than 5,000; and the Southwest comprises Arizona, California, Nevada, and New Mexico.  

According to an AHRI fact sheet, in the North region, most furnaces will be required to have an AFUE of 90 percent or more, an increase from the current national standard of 78 percent. In the South, central air conditioners will be required to have a SEER of 14, up from the present national requirement of 13 SEER. Heat pump and oil furnace standards will rise on a nationwide basis. 

Also helping business would be the nationwide rise in standards for oil furnaces and heat pumps. Many customers here in the Northeast rely on oil as their main source of heat and are stuck with outdated furnace systems that would need to be changed.

The big question is if the bill that has been introduced will even pass. According to the article, if the bill was a rare standalone bill, it would pass without fail. However, if the bill is attached to something with some stronger opposition there could be complications getting the bill through the Senate. The next step, if the bill does pass the Senate is the House of Representatives before the bill could be signed and the standards would go into effect.

Read the full article HERE

 Appliance Standards Introduced in Senate (

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Duct Tips: Sealing Your Ductwork For Efficiency

Tips for anything are a dime a dozen. This tip is no different, except that it can save that dime over and over again.

If you have an older duct system in your home, chances are the joints of the trunk duct and pipe aren't sealed properly. This can make your heating and cooling systems run less than efficient over the long run. Costing you money.

The good news is that simple things can be done to help the efficiency of your heating and air conditioning system. One of the most important is the previously mentioned, sealing of the duct joints. This is an extremely cost effective way to save on heating cooling costs over time. Plus, it's an easy job for anyone and can be accomplished in a relatively short amount of time.

First, I am providing a PDF link for the recommended best practices when sealing your ductwork. The document provides a great overview of the process and reasons for sealing your heating and air conditioning systems. Pictures accompany much of the descriptions for a better understanding of what is being explained.
Now for some visual stimulation. Since I am no video making genius, like many of us I went to youtube and found a simple video to help illustrate my point. Enjoy!

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No Break In The Heat Or The Slump

The heat here in the Glens Falls, Queensbury area has been scorching for the last two weeks. Not just dry heat either, it's been humid. Which usually means that our phones ring off the hook with people wanting air conditioning as soon as they can get it. This however has not been the case.

In the past when the heat has been this intense, we would be working what seemed like around the clock. People would call in the morning and want air conditioning by evening. Oh how times have changed. The recession has brought new rules to how the game is played. People are accepting the heat more, keeping there finances more in check(which they should) and maybe buying a window unit at Home Depot for $150. In fact, I heard a story from a colleague the other day about a women buying a few of these same units. She actually had central air conditioning, but it wasn't working. She received a couple of shady quotes and decided to buy three new window units, rather than research someone better to fix her already existing air system. This type of attitude does not bode well for business. She was willing to pay upwards of $500 for supplemental air conditioning instead of paying a reputable service man. She went with the guys working on the side who have basic knowledge, but not full knowledge. You know, the ones who are doing $3000 jobs for $1000. Undercutting guys like us. It makes business very challenging and hard to keep alive.

Heat or no heat, business has changed and so have the customers. I have learned a lot from the last two years of recession. Most of which is not to under appreciate the boom times, like they'll be there forever. Times are still a bit rocky but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Those same people getting work done for 1/4 of a fair price will be calling when their systems break down from faulty installation. When they call, we'll be ready. Business is business and you have to adapt to everything daily. Now we must make a more concerted effort to search out consistent business. Get our name out there and show that we do a great job, for a great price and we stand behind our work.

Don't forget to check out the new website

Customers Declining, Input Costs Rising

Our input costs are rising. Gas prices are hovering around the $3 level again and metal prices have been rising albeit slowly. Then today I read the AK Steel (AKS) quarterly earnings report and find that they are warning against inflation in the manufacturing sector due to a rise in iron ore prices. Hence, prices will continue to rise throughout the year.

From MarketWatch

AK Steel said it assumes global iron ore prices to rise 30% over the January to March period. If prices go beyond that, the company said it would hurt its financial performance for the second quarter.

At the start of the year, iron ore suppliers Vale SA and BHP Billiton changed the way they structure iron ore contracts, setting prices on a short-term rather than annual basis.

This week, Credit Suisse analysts upped their average 2010 price target on iron ore by 56% to $129 per ton. Prices for raw materials are rising as the world economy slowly recovers and consumer spending on cars and appliances picks up.

The main problem with our business lately has been customers. People are hoarding their money in this area and unless the summer temperatures are sweltering, I don't feel like business will pickup significantly. The rise in input costs is just another punch to the gut. You can only cut so many costs and find ways to save money until everyday fixed costs (Rent, phones, gas, metal etc.) begin to weigh on any profits. Profits by the way that will solely contribute to a debt that was incurred during the hardest times over the last two years.

I'm crossing my fingers for an air conditioning boom summer. Something that we didn't have last year.