Fabricating Custom Ductwork in Glens Falls NY For Over 20 Years

K & E Sheet Metal has been fabricating custom ductwork in Glens Falls NY for over 20 years and we are doing our best to grow the business into the future, providing even better service to new and existing customers. We are a father and son business focusing on residential HVAC sheet metal fabrication along with residential heating and air conditioning installations. Our goal has and will forever be providing customers with quality, affordable duct fabrication and installation service. Helping home owners who need custom sheet metal fabrication with the products that will help them finish their ductwork installation properly. No job is too small for our shop when it comes to providing quality custom ductwork fittings for each and every one of our customers. We fabricate everything from standard custom ductwork to the smallest of sheet metal boxes or flat sheet metal for the everyday walk-in customer.

Because we have been fabricating custom ductwork in Glens Falls NY for so many years we have built a nice following of happy customers and relationships with area vendors. Our business was built on word of mouth advertising and customer recommendations are the catalyst to gaining an evolving local customer base. Our product speaks for itself locally and we work hard daily to continue the service that has kept the company alive over the last 20 years.

If you are looking for custom ductwork fittings or custom ductwork in Glens Falls NY, we are the place to call. We work with our customers to make sure they get the duct needed to finish the job properly.

Replacing your old furnace?

Are you replacing an old broken down furnace and need some custom transitions to fit the new furnace unit to the old duct? We can work with you to provide the custom transition needed to finish the job right, going over measurements and drawings or coming out to take measurements ourselves.

Need a custom supply air plenum or return air plenum?

These are our specialty and can fabricate your new supply air plenum in less than 24 hours from the time you place your order. Return air plenums take a bit longer but we will do our best to finish your order as soon as possible for an affordable price, helping you get the job done right.

Not sure what custom ductwork you need?

Do you live in and need custom ductwork in Glens Falls NY and your not sure what you need? Shoot us an email or give a call to see if we can help with your custom ductwork fabrication needs.


Our First YouTube Video: Short Clip of Knockin' Tin

I uploaded my very first YouTube video this evening depicting part of what I do on a daily basis, hammer sheet metal together. The video is short and not very interesting but you have to start somewhere. I hope to upload other videos showing a small glimpses of what we do throughout the day. Visit our YouTube channel HERE.

For now, just a small clip of me knocking together a small plenum for a gas forced air heating & cooling system.

Improving The Efficiency & Life of Your Forced Air Heating & Cooling System

Many homes in the United States with forced air heating and cooling have duct work that is old and in need of repair or replacement. Most of these homes have had new furnaces installed over the years, but not the duct work, which would improve the efficiency of new units and keep them running longer. Many houses have duct work that is either too small or too big, installed improperly or not to code and is eating into the efficiency of those new furnace and air conditioning systems.

Here are a few issues we have run into over the years when it comes to forced air heating and cooling systems. These are common installer mistakes or problems in regards to the duct work for heating and air conditioning systems in your home.

Heating and cooling runs off the end cap

When you go into your basement and look at the main trunk line of your duct system, are there heat runs coming off the end caps of your main trunk? If so, this is something that should be checked and more than likely changed.

When your trunk line is not properly capped off, you lose the necessary pressure to send the air flow throughout the rest of the home. If you have lower flows of air in certain rooms of your house, especially upstairs, this could be the reason for those issues. It is a common problem and can be changed by a duct professional who specializes in duct work and sizing your systems. Many times you don't need to replace the whole system because those few runs off the ends of the duct could be re-routed and the main duct capped off at a reduced cost.

Your forced air heat runs may be too small

Over the years the furnace has gone through many changes and so have the methods in which duct work has been installed. Most furnace installations require at least 6" round pipe runs off your main trunk and sometimes larger depending on the furnace unit and size of the home. However, some homes built in the1950's and 1960's were fitted with smaller systems and 4" or 5" heat runs. These runs coupled with today's furnace can present problems with efficiency and life of your new HVAC units.

Increasing those runs to a proper 6" run and checking to make sure your duct is sized properly can help to improve your furnace efficiency and life span. If you are in the process of getting a new heating unit you may want to get a quote for proper sizing and installation of new duct work.

Is the duct system undersized?

Going along with the above tip, some main duct systems are undersized from the start and should be completely replaced to help with efficiency of the furnace. These  systems were either not installed by a professional or the new unit was retrofitted to an already existing duct system that was rated for the previous furnace. The new furnace may either be too big or too small for the existing duct work and because of this, certain rooms in the house my be neglected of proper air flow. This means that you may notice a room is too cool in the winter or too warm in the summer or possibly multiple rooms end up having these same problems. It may be that your duct system needs to be re sized to the new heating or cooling unit you now have installed. Newer units are made to run very efficiently, but an undersized full ducting system can harm the life of your newly installed,  efficient and money saving furnace.


These are a few of the common problems we find when replacing furnaces  in older homes. We will often make note and offer a free quote to the customer for minor changes or complete replacement of their duct system.

Having a brand new efficient, cost cutting forced air heating and cooling unit installed is great for your new or existing home. Recognizing and making sure that your duct system is sized and installed properly can guarantee that your investment will run great for it's lifetime.

For a few examples of our installations click here